"Strangers, Lovers, Family, Friends" by Company of Cohorts

By San Diego International Fringe Festival (other events)

5 Dates Through Jul 03, 2016


HOMEBASE: Salt Lake City, UT

SHOW DESCRIPTION: Strangers, Lovers, Family, Friends is a collection of four one-acts. What's on the docket? An angel of death with poor timing, a randy best man and maid of honor, a supernatural being who questions her own existence, and a family reunion that can only end in chaos. 


FRINGE TAGS REQUIRED for admission to all ticketed performances (it's a one time $5 purchase to support the continuation of the fringe). 

No late entry to any show - all shows start on time
No re-entry into any venue

100% of all ticket sales are returned to artists

Mailing Address

PO BOX 16235 SAN DIEGO, CA 92176