"Sweet Dreams: The Prologue" presented by Shine On Collective

By San Diego International Fringe Festival (other events)

28 Dates Through Jul 02, 2017


HOMEBASE: Los Angeles, CA

SHOW DESCRIPTION: Sweet Dreams: The Prologue is the first chapter in a series of immersive productions about a girl who dreamed of prince charming and true love's kiss. But venture too far into dreams and you might end up missing. This show is designed for only one audience member at a time.

ABOUT THE COMPANY: The Shine On Collective is a Los Angeles-based theater organization that produces unusual and original performance installations. Our mission is to create unique, experimental and immersive productions that explore the human condition from every odd angle. 


FRINGE TAGS REQUIRED for admission to all ticketed performances (it's a one time $5 purchase to support the continuation of the fringe). 

No late entry to any show - all shows start on time
No re-entry into any venue

100% of all ticket sales are returned to artists

Mailing Address

PO BOX 16235 SAN DIEGO, CA 92176